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Transcripts: OTA Media Availability (5/22)


Opening Statement: "Great day for football. Every day's a great day for football. This is also a great day for a lot of other things, too. It's fun to have the guys out. We worked hard, good tempo practice. We had a big number of [outside] coaches here – not all the coaches that were here yesterday for the clinic – but most of them were here [and] got a chance to watch practice. They were in some meetings today with some of our coaches, and that was really worthwhile as well. Of course, coming off of yesterday, we had kind of a day of coaching clinics. So, what questions do you have about the Ravens?"

There's a lot of talk about QB Lamar Jackson, when he said he's lost a lot of weight this offseason – he said he's down to two-something. Can you see that? Can you see the weight loss on him and what do you think of that? (*Jamison Hensley)* "Yes, I mean, it's fine. I think that's Lamar. He's a pro. He knows what he's doing. He knows where he wants to be with that. My concern is that he's in shape, best shape of his life, and he's working toward that. He's ready football-wise, all the details that go with that – mentally, physically, spiritually ready to go. That's kind of what I think about. I know he talks to the strength and conditioning people. He's got his own people. He talks to [director of sports nutrition] Sarah [Snyder] all the time. He's a pro. He knows what he's doing."

Are you encouraged by the number of guys who came out here? It's a voluntary workout, but how many veterans came out and played? (Todd Karpovich*)* "Yes, I'm always encouraged by everybody that comes out. To me, it's easy as a coach. We're here. We want to be here. We want to do football. We're excited. We had a heck of a practice out there today, and there were a lot of guys out there today. It was exciting. A couple of guys weren't in, a couple of guys were here that weren't out there [previously], [and] a couple guys aren't here. It's all part of it, but it's most of the team out there practicing, so I'm very excited about that."

Packers head coach Matt LaFleur said yesterday that you're doing joint practices with them. Is that it, or is that your only session of practices? Are you having other sessions? (*Jeff Zrebiec)* "Right, that's it at this point. It's going to be one day up in Green Bay. We don't have anything else planned with the other teams at this point. I don't think we will, but that could change. We could decide and talk to somebody in Atlanta or 'Philly' [Philadelphia] and do something, but right now that's where we're at."

And it will be the Thursday before the Saturday game? (Jeff Zrebiec*)* "Correct."

There's obviously a lot of interest with the offensive line and what it's going to look like this time of year. (Luke Jones) "I have a lot of interest in it, too. I think about it pretty much every day." (laughter)

Understanding OTAs and the structure of that, what are you really looking at right now in terms of evaluating where these guys are right now? (Luke Jones) "There's always competition for everything, but it's not always the obvious combat competition. They're not fighting battles out here against each other during the play, but there's competition against assignment, footwork, timing, competition against conditioning, football shape, that kind of thing – doing things the right way, technique. That's what guys are competing against – themselves and competing against the clock. So, they're preparing for that combat competition that's going to happen in practice going forward. But, we want to see guys working together. We want to see them knowing what they're doing. We want to see technique. We want to see cohesiveness, all those things."

This time last year we were out here, and DB Brandon Stephens was playing safety. And then, of course, he gets juggled around, ends up at cornerback – where he played in college. What most impressed you last year about the way he played cornerback for you? (Bo Smolka*)* "Well, it's always interesting. I think the best way I can describe Brandon is [that] he's always been a meticulous, detailed guy, [who] wants to do things exactly right. I would say as you develop, when you never want to make a mistake and you want to do things exactly right, you're so conscientious that way – it might slow your reaction time down a little bit because you want to be right. Well, his reaction time picked up. So, through all that work of doing things right, I think he gained some confidence. He gained some assuredness, maybe believed in his technique even more and more as he knew more [and] got more experience. Then, he started playing faster. As he started playing faster, he had already mastered all the techniques and the assignments, and it showed up in the result."

You've mentioned wanting to see G Andrew Vorhees back out here after a year off. Initial impressions of him getting some work in? (*Giana Han)* "Yes, he looks good, looks real good in shorts. And I think he's got a good chance to translate that once we put the pads on in training camp, because he's strong. He's been in that weight room for a whole year. It's all he's been doing. He's been caged in the weight room, locked the doors behind him. You just leave him in the weight room – send him a meal, a couple meals every now and then and a protein shake and lift another time. And there he is. You see him out there. He looks really good."

Speaking of offensive line, obviously Daniel Faalele getting some interesting reps, right tackle from Cleveland, guard spots. Just early in this process, is it sort of look for the best combinations at this point in trying to find what you like the most? (*Brian Wacker)* "It's a great question. I think it kind of goes a little bit back to the Brandon Stephens question. You just don't know what's going to happen. You don't know what guys are going to look like. I always want to look at guys in different spots, unless they're established at that position. See where they look good, where they look the best, you never know what you might see. Then, see where they're needed and also where they might be needed sometime during the season."

Lamar Jackson said that players are still talking. They still talk about that loss, the AFC Championship loss. As a coach, do you like that that still motivates the players or would you prefer, 'Hey, let's move past that?' (*Jamison Hensley)* "I think it's both. I mean, you never forget. You forgive but don't forget – well, we don't really forgive either, I guess, but we don't forget for sure – and try to improve. It's always going to be part of it. That's why I want them talking about everything. What we're talking about is confronting everything that has to do with us being the very best we can be as a football team and as an individual player. So, if that's part of the confrontation, 'Let's go, man. Let's talk about it, and let's get better, and let's find a way to beat those guys.'"

Not that you need any motivation for Week 1, but with Kansas City in the first game of the season, do you expect with sort of that aftertaste that guys will be hyper-ready for the first game? (*Kyle Goon)* "Yes, they're going to be ready. They would have been hyper-ready, to use that term – which is your term just for the record, hyper-ready. I don't usually say hyper-ready. Uber-ready, you might have used that term. It would have been even cooler, uber-ready." (laughter) "We're going to be uber-ready. But, we'll be ready and would have been ready for any opener no matter who we were playing. I'm looking forward to it."

I know you have a lot going on throughout the offseason to kind of take your mind away from it, but does it stick around even for you? (Cordell Woodland) "Everything sticks around. Everything sticks around, sure."

The more you get to know RB Derrick Henry, what are you learning about him as a player on and off the field? (Sherree Burns) "One thing about Derrick – one of many things – he works. He is a worker, 100% every day, locked in, asks questions, texts his coach at night, ready to go at practice, in the weight room, training room. [I'm] very impressed. This guy is a true pro, ultimate pro."

Is RB Keaton Mitchell making progress, where you have a better idea when he might be out? We saw him out there, obviously, just watching. And, S Marcus Williams was good, right? He didn't need any procedure after the season? (Jeff Zrebiec) "I don't think he had anything after the season, Marcus Williams. He's fine. Keaton is – it's not a comeback during training camp or a first game type-of-thing. I think we all know that. It's [going to be at] sometime during the season. So, it's not right around the corner. We shouldn't be biting our fingernails, 'Is he going to get back?' But, I will say, he's on schedule, maybe ahead of schedule. He's doing really well. He's always got a smile on his face. He's going to start jogging on the 'Ultra G' next week. So, that's a positive thing and we'll see where it goes."

There was a report of Jamal Adams coming in for a visit yesterday. How did that go, and what could he potentially add? (Childs Walker) "He and I, at the Pro Bowl like four years ago when we were there, we rode the bus back and forth every day for whatever reason, we got to be kind of pals. We had a fun time and kind of carried that relationship forward. Then, we came back, and we met. He met with a lot of people, but he met in my office, and we had another great conversation. [I was] very impressed, very impressed with his mindset, and we'll see what happens."

Congratulations on the Harbaugh Coaching Academy. What was your take from yesterday having Bill Belichick and your dad [Jack Harbaugh] on site? (David Andrade) "It was incredible, also [having my brother-in-law] Tom Crean. I mean, between Bill and my dad and Tom Crean, I was like on vacation, man. It was fun just listening to those guys. I know the coaches at the clinic ... that was the price of admission right there – not that they had to pay. It was free, and they had a free meal and we might have had a beer for them, too, along the way. But, they got to hear from those three guys. It was really, really awesome."

Lamar said that he doesn't really have a target weight for himself playing-wise. Is there a threshold at which you would feel comfortable with him, considering everything that he's kind of put himself through? (Jonas Shaffer) "I think that's a very good question, and the answer is no. We don't worry about it. Like I said, he's a pro. He knows what he's doing. I mean, I'm sure if he got crazy, if he came here at 250 pounds, I might be a little concerned. If he came here at 150 pounds, I'd probably be a little concerned. But, he's going to be in there where he needs to be. He's going to be in great shape and ready to go."


On his offseason: "Overall, I had a good offseason. I spent a lot of time with family, friends and just [with] myself, thinking about football, being a better person and getting ready for this season."

On how QB Lamar Jackson looks to him: (laughter) "[Lamar Jackson] looks good to me, but he looked different when he first showed up. I couldn't really tell because he was so skinny, but he looks good."

On if he had a particular goal athletically that he wanted to improve on: "[I want] to improve this year on probably everything, just getting better at every phase and trying to be more of a leader this year. We have a young receiver room, so I'm trying to help lead them, too."

On how his rookie season success, individually and as a team, changes his mindset going into Year Two: "Like I said, I want to get better this year at every phase, being a leader and trying to help lead us to the ultimate goal, [which is] what we all want."

On if it's a different feeling with former Ravens WR Odell Beckham Jr. gone and stepping into more of a leadership role: "[It's] a little bit [different] because [Odell Beckham Jr.] had so much experience that he knew how it was going to go, and he knew how the process was going to play out. Now, I can just figure out my own way, take my own path and kind of do my own thing and make my own career my own way."

On how long it took him to get over the AFC Championship loss: "Honestly, I still [haven't] gotten over it. I still think about it, but I know next year, we have a chance to get back there and try to make it to the Super Bowl, so that's why I'm working every day and going hard every day to get back to that moment."

On if there's anyone he gravitates towards in the wide reciever room: "Honestly, every time, I gravitate to younger players like no matter where I was: college [or] the NFL. I always gravitated towards the younger players and tried to help [them], show them what I went through and give them a better route so they can understand."

On the advice he gives advice to younger players because he was just in that position: "Just go. It's going to happen fast, so just go, understand and have a plan with everything you do."

On what the next step of the offense is with offensive coordinator Todd Monken in his second year: "Just having a cleaner [process], executing everything better and just putting up points."

On if it's different seeing RB Derrick Henry and his size in person: "Yes. It's way different. One play, I think [Derrick Henry] had a stretch zone when we were in practice a couple days ago. He was running, and I turned around, and he was right in front of me. I was like, 'Oh!' And kind of jumped out of the way. Then, he ran back up to me. He was like, 'I heard you scream, 'Oh!' I was like, 'Yes. I have to get out of the way." (laughter) "So, it's way different seeing him in person."

On if he feels like WR Rashod Bateman is set up for success this year: "Absolutely. [Rashod] Bateman goes to work every day. Ever since I've been here, I've seen him putting nothing but work in, and even this year, [he's] coming back early and trying to get in rhythm with the quarterbacks. I feel like Bateman is going to have a great year this year."

On how he navigated the off-the-field situation: "It was a process that me and my team had to go through. I respect the question, but there is really nothing else I can add. I'm just looking forward to the season and getting better, building my reputation and showing the Ravens community and the younger generation that I'm here, and I'm ready to go and be a good person."

On if he's looking forward to playing the Kansas City Chiefs in Week 1: "Honestly, I'm not really worried about them. I'm worried about getting better every day and making sure we're ready when that time comes. So, it's just been about us, really."

On how he's going to show the Ravens community that he's a good person: "I already do. I'm already in the community. I'm always with the kids, and that's just who I am. I'm not a person that gets into things, so I just do what I do [and] help the community. I have fun with my people, have fun with the kids and just go about what I do, play football and focus on the future."

On how much more comfortable he feels in the offense in Year Two compared to his rookie year: "[I feel] way more comfortable. It happened so fast, and I had to learn a new playbook so fast that in my head, I was always rushed. So, this year, I'm more patient and just learning everything to the last detail."


On if his opinion of Drake has changed over the last couple months: "Has my opinion of Drake changed [over] the past couple months? No. It was a tough summer for us, but it's part of it. It's part of the rap game, and it's cool to see two of the best going at it. But yes, a lot of people have their opinions about Drake now, but I'm still a Drake fan."

On how he's been able to adapt to the NFL so quickly: "Yes, with this league, you have your ups and downs, and I had both of those my rookie year. It's just like anything else – like any other job – you get used to it, you know how to attack certain things, and you know your strengths and your weaknesses. I think I just tried to minimize my weaknesses last year and maximize my strengths, and I think I did a good job of that."

On if he feels a different ownership role of and leadership role within the defense: "Yes, for sure, and whether that's vocal or actually doing stuff on the field, being vocal on the field, off the field and stuff like that, that's something that the coaches have challenged me [with] doing this year. I'm still a young guy – relatively – but with power comes responsibility, and heavy is the head that wears the crown. I think I've said that before, and my mom says that all the time, so it's her fault." (laughter) "But yes, you play well, you're expected to lead a little more, and I think I'm trying to get a little better at that and get used to it."

On former defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald and current defensive coordinator Zach Orr: "I'm super happy for [Seahawks head coach] Mike [Macdonald]. [He's] super deserving, [a] smart dude, and he's a big reason why we were in the position we were in last year [and] a big reason why a bunch of guys on the defense played well, as well. But with 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr], that's been my guy over the past two years, [and] I feel like everybody in the building would say that, as well. He's a great dude. He's been here, obviously – been a Raven – for a while [as a] player and coach, and [he's] somebody that ... It was a seamless transition, and he's got a great grasp of the defense, as well, and he's going to put us in the right spots [to] help us make plays [and] help us maximize our abilities."

On how he formed a strong relationship with defensive coordinator Zach Orr: "Yes, just [by] talking to [defensive coordinator Zach Orr]. As a rookie, coming in every day, you don't know what to expect, and 'Z.O' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] was always that guy that was a little touchpoint for me; like, 'Hey, I've been through it. I know what's going on. The dog days of camp. I know what you're thinking right now.' [He was] just keeping me up and stuff like that. And it's cool to see both of us have grown these past couple years. Probably nobody here was even thinking of him as a 'D.C.' [defensive coordinator] two years ago, and now look at him. And I think he's super deserving of it, [and] he's going to make the best of the opportunity."

On if S Geno Stone and ILB Patrick Queen got kicked out of the group chats: "No, I still talk to Geno [Stone] a lot. I talk to 'P.Q.' [Patrick Queen] a little bit. But I mean, those guys, [I'm] super happy for them. Obviously, the teams [Bengals and Steelers] are a little weird – where they went to. But no, [I'm] super happy for them. Both got paid, and at the end of the day, they get the opportunity to take care of their family in ways that they couldn't before. And rivalries are big around here, big in the NFL, but at the end of the day, we're all striving to provide for our families and create a better life for ourselves and those around us that have brought us up. So, for them to have that opportunity, I don't fault them."

On what kind of advice he's shared with CB Nate Wiggins: "I've talked to Nate [Wiggins]. I was actually on the plane coming up here when he got drafted. It just so happened [that] we were boarding at the same time, so I met him then. But [with] being a first-round defensive pick in Baltimore, there's a lot of pressure on you. Defense is held to a high standard here by the coaches, by players, by you guys, by the fans – all that stuff. So, it's a blessing and a curse to have that focus – in an offensive league – on a defensive player. It's great, but at the same time, it comes with a lot of responsibility and critique with that. I went through it, [and] everybody has gone through it. I've talked to Marlon [Humphrey] about it. So, it's going to be tough. But he's got a great head on his shoulders. [He's a] chill guy, great football player, and I think you guys will see that soon. But he's still super young. Is he 20? I think he's 20 years old. Yes, that's crazy. He can't even drink yet." (laughter) "So, I mean, if he gives up a bad play, you've got to have that in the back of your mind; he can't have a Mike's Hard Lemonade or something like that." (laughter)

On if there is any concern amongst players about the league adding midweek games and short weeks: "Yes, I think ... I don't know if it's as much 'concern' as it is just more of a shock factor. I think you've got to be a tough guy to play in this league, and everybody will adjust accordingly, and I'm sure 10 years from now, that might be the norm. I feel like they were probably doing the same thing when they introduced Thursday games – stuff like that – Monday games. [They] probably had that same conversation, [and] now it's the norm. So, maybe we're just at the beginning stages of that. But yes, it's going to be a challenge just to reset, but at the same time ... I was talking to Coach 'Harbs' [head coach John Harbaugh] about it earlier; like, we're not the only team doing that, so it's a matter of who's better at playing three games in 10 days. So, it starts now. It starts with just your mental and physical stability and capacity in the situation, but I think it's going to be a challenge, for sure."

On his X post about the three games in 10 days and what it felt like to get the news about that: "Yes, I was like ... I mean, I haven't graduated [from college] yet, but I was trying to do some math; like, alright, so we play – I think it's – December 15 and then [the] 21st [and] 25th. I'm like, 'Alright 25 minus 15.'" (laughter) "That's 10, and then we're three games in 10 days, and then I [couldn't] believe the result. I was like, 'Oh, we have three games in 10 days.' But like I said, we're not the only people doing that, and it's another obstacle in the way that we just have to overcome, and I think we have the right people to do that."

On how much the scheme has changed going from former defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald to current defensive coordinator Zach Orr: "Yes, there have been a lot of similarities. But again, it's still May, so we'll see how that looks in August [and] September. Getting ready for the season, I'm sure we'll add more layers to that, but I can already see [that] there are different wrinkles and stuff like that. [It's all from the] same family, but I feel like 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] has his own flavor he's going to put on it, and I'm excited to see what he does."

On what he took away from the success he and the team had last year: "It's something to look back on and be proud of. Obviously, we didn't have the result that we wanted, but I mean, getting that close and knowing that you have the capabilities to do it and were two, three plays away from going to the Super Bowl – and who knows what would happen in that game ... But I think you've got to cherish those seasons [and] stuff like that and build on them, because – like we were just talking about [with] Geno [Stone], 'P.Q.' [Patrick Queen] – all these guys that ... We, at the time, didn't really realize [that] we're not going to be playing together anymore [and that] it's not the same team. So, I think you take seasons like that, that are rare – for a team to go to the AFC Championship – and you cherish it, but at the same time, we all have that bitter taste in our mouth, and we want to right our wrongs and ultimately win a Super Bowl. So, I think going on this path and having that experience is going to help us."

On how he will help lead a defense that looks to build itself back up: "I think it all starts at the top, with 'Harbs' [head coach John Harbaugh] hiring a guy like 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] and us ... We lost a good amount of coaches, but we retained a lot, at the same time. So, it's not like the culture shifted or anything; it's just the same names in different positions. So, we've still got 'Z.O.', we've still got [assistant head coach/pass game coordinator] Chris Hewitt as our DBs [defensive backs] coach, still got 'Harbs' – all that good stuff. And we got it stripped down last season; accept it for what it was, improve on what we can and come back into this season with some new faces [and] guys who haven't played as much. But it's exciting for them [and] exciting for the defense to see what they have in the season, [and in the] preseason leading up to it, see who can perform."

On if things are more similar than different with new defensive coordinator Zach Orr and how important that continuity is: "Yes, it's definitely convenient for me; I didn't have to learn a completely new playbook, so that was awesome. But like I said, [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] is adding his own flavors. And it's easier for us – guys who have been in the defense – to maybe help younger guys out, because [it's not] so much [of] learning the playbook, [and instead it's] just sharpening tools and stuff like that, so if somebody has a question about something, we know exactly how it's supposed to be played. If somebody does something wrong, we know what they did wrong and how to improve on it. So, I think it just keep continuity within the defense [and] within the team, and it allows us just to play faster."


On his new teammate RB Derrick Henry: "[The] backfield is looking explosive; I'll say that. I believe it will be great, but it's still OTAs right now. You can't tell until the season comes."

On how many pounds he lost and why it was important to him: "I don't really know how many pounds I lost. I'm like two-something [pounds] right now, but I'll say it was important enough to be able to move around a little bit extra, that's all."

On how he lost that weight: "Nah. I'm going to charge for that [information], because people do these [weight] plans and stuff, and they still have their weight on them. No, not to offend anyone or nothing like that, but you're going to have to pay for that."

On if he had a target weight: "Just under 230 [pounds]."

On the main reason he lost weight: "Just so I can be more agile and be able to move more."

On going to Germany earlier this offseason: "That was a dope experience for me. I [had] never been to Germany, never been on that side of the [world]. [There were] great people, different food; I was enjoying it. I was enjoying it. I was surprised about the fans we had over there. I was surprised about that, but it was a great experience."

On his soccer skills: "I had a little something going." (laughter) "I think I tweeted about that, like, 'I had a little something going on,' but hopefully they try to draft me after I'm done with football."

On if he feels more agile on the football field: "Heck yeah. I feel great. It feels great to be out here with my guys, grinding and getting better. I feel great."

On if it's weird to be in the backfield with RB Derrick Henry after losing weight: "I just get the ball and [say], 'Go, big guy, go.' I'm cheering like the fans. That's all."

On what it's like to have RB Derrick Henry in the backfield after facing off against him for years: "I never had to go up against Derrick [Henry] ever, so that's a plus for me, but it's great to have him in our backfield. [We] have a great [offensive] line to block for him, and we know what type of player he is, we know the type of defense we have, [we] know what type of skill players we have here. I feel like we're getting there."

On if he remembers the last time he felt this agile: "No. It's been so long. We had COVID that happened to us; it slowed us down a little, but I feel great right now. I feel great."

On if he feels like the weight he lost will impact himself taking hits: "We sacrifice our body each and every game [and] practices. I believe it really doesn't matter about the weight."

On how long it took him to get over the loss in the AFC Championship game: "Now. I believe it hurts more losing before the Super Bowl than actually being a part of it, because we worked so hard [for] 17 weeks, plus the little playoff games, and we get to a game away and lose. We didn't really put any points on the board, and we were just scoring 30 points against crazy teams – great defenses. Don't get me wrong, that's a great defense as well, but [we had faced] the top-ranked defenses. We just have to finish; we have to find a way to move the ball in the right direction and put points on the board because our defense did their thing the whole night."

On what he took away from watching the film of the AFC Championship: "What I took away from it? Put points on the board. I believe we were driving the ball down the field – not how we wanted to – but we drove the ball down the field. We just have to put points on the board. We had two costly turnovers in the red zone – the game would've been different. That's 21-to-17 right there, but it is what it is."

On how he felt about wanting to get WR Rashod Bateman more involved in the offense: "He's an elusive receiver, great off the ball, [and he gets] great separation. We just have to get him the ball. That's all [there is] to it, point blank period."

On if it feels different entering this offseason with a season under his belt with offensive coordinator Todd Monken: "I'm a lot more comfortable with everything; how he's calling the plays and what he's expecting us to and stuff like that. I'm just looking forward to doing what we have to do to put us in great situations this year."

On his reaction to playing the Kansas City Chiefs in Week 1: "Let's go. Let's go [play] football baby."

On if it's nice to have the Kansas City Chiefs in Week 1: "I really don't care who we play; it really didn't matter. At the end of the day, our goal is to make it to the Super Bowl. We lost to them in the playoffs. Just us beating them in the regular season doesn't really do anything; it just helps us keep stacking up wins to hopefully make it to the playoffs if anything to try to get in that same position again and hopefully be successful. It really doesn't matter who we play [in the] first game; obviously it's the Chiefs, but I really didn't care."

On if there's another level in OC Todd Monken's offense this season: "I believe so. I believe the sky is the limit. I always say that, but I believe the sky is the limit for us. We're doing new things out here with the offense; [it's] more verbal, more verbiage for me, if anything, but it's looking good so far."

On if he's approached this offseason any differently than the previous ones: "No, I didn't. Just lost weight."

On what his conversations with head coach John Harbaugh before the NFL Draft were like: "He was just asking me guys who I would recommend and stuff like that. I would send them over, but if [other NFL teams] steal them, [you] can't do anything about it. If guys pick them first, you can't do anything about that. I believe that's good. It's good to have your head coach and your QB talking ball in the offseason and stuff like that."

On what it means to have the rookies at OTAs and building camaraderie: "I'm a vet, and they're rookies. They probably already have their people who they've been with, who they entered the league with, and we are who we already are. But they'll come around."

On what his inspiration was for writing his second book: "I just love kids. I believe they're the face of the world. Each and every generation, it's always the kids up next, the kids up next, not us. So, me just being who I am, I want to set a great example for them [and] just show them it's not about football for me."

On how the way the season ended last year will serve as motivation for the entire team this season: "I believe that just motivated us throughout whole offseason. People are still talking about it; us players still talk about it. It definitely left a bitter taste in our mouths just being that close. Like I said, we worked so hard in getting there and [we] didn't do what we wanted to do, didn't fulfill our dream; [there's] definitely a little chip on our shoulder."

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