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Transcripts: Seahawks Postgame Quotes Week 14

Head Coach Pete Carroll

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(opening statement) "I really liked that we came out this weekend and followed up and kind of picked up where we left off last week. We played really good ball on both sides of the football. With back-to-back trips could be a challenge but our guys didn't waiver at all on that. We saw it across the board and I'm really fired up that we handled that. Being on the road, it's going to be real important obviously and we want to make sure that we give ourselves every chance to be at our best and I thought we did that today. That's a really good football team that we played against in our estimation. As we watched them they're tough, they're physical and they never let up. And our guys took it to heart and really put together a great plan and executed well today. For the defense to not give up a touchdown two weeks back-to-back, that's really special stuff. Just a really good job and that's what we set out to do and we got it done. On the other side of the ball, I can't start it without talking about the offensive line. These guys protected all day long. Russell [Wilson] had a great opportunity to sit back there and do his stuff and he took full advantage of it again and had another big game throwing the football. Getting it done with Jermaine [Kearse, who] had a bunch of catches and Tyler [Lockett had] a couple touchdowns and Doug [Baldwin] continues to rip. It's really exciting to see those guys playing so smooth and so well together. So I'm really fired up for all those guys. We come back home and it's good to do that from two long weeks. But really proud of what happened these last two weeks."

(on having all of the receivers as help for Russell Wilson) "That's what we know. We know working with those guys, and I go back to pass protection, [it] gave him a chance to hit all those guys, and they got open today, did a beautiful job. We made a big deal about Doug [Baldwin]'s three touchdowns a couple weeks ago, and he comes back and almost had three last week, too. We're really excited about those guys being able to hook up and play at such a high level."

(on if he feels he's getting the consistency he wanted all along) "Yes, we are. It's been coming for some time now. We've been feeling it for over a month now. You can see it and feel it and whoever steps up and is called up to play is doing it. The execution doesn't fall off both sides of the football, special teams; the whole group is doing well. We have to get cranked up and do it all over again next week at home or it means nothing. It does feel right. We know what this feeling is like and we are going to try to get a little better this week."

(on RB Thomas Rawls injury) "He did break his ankle. I think the torn ligaments are really the problem. I don't think he's going to have to have an operation from what I understand. Thomas has had a fantastic rookie season. Just exemplifies what we're all about, toughness, and hard-nosed and committed and grit and all that stuff. We love the guy and we're really going to miss him. He was a great asset to us this year, and we love the way he's played."

(on if they used last year's Super Bowl loss as a reminder or motivation) "It took us some time to make sure to leave that behind. We don't need that to be motivated. We need to get rid of it just like when you win, you have all of the follow through that comes up, all the hoopla and when you lose it has an impact as well. It doesn't really matter which end it is, it's still a factor. So we had to work our way through it and it took us a while and that's the farthest thing from our minds right now. It has nothing to do with nothing. We're just getting ready each week and moving forward."

(on improved pass protection) "I think there are a number of elements. One, just growing together, and keeping that group together is a big factor. And we knew they would get better somewhere along the line. We were hoping it would happen sooner. The adjustments we made after the bye really helped us. The coaches did a fine job of zeroing in on some stuff that would help us. Russell [Wilson] has taken to that and getting the football out of his hands so quick and with much more precision then we had earlier. All fits together real well. The receivers coming through, so it was a lot of things. Tom Cable [assistant head coach/offensive line] has done a fantastic job with these guys. It was tough early, and we've gotten better the last six or seven weeks."

(on status of SS Kam Chancellor) "Bruised tailbone. He was really uncomfortable today, and we think he has a chance to get back this week."

(on RB DuJuan Harris' performance) "I thought he ran hard. It was unfortunate he got the ball knocked away from him once and we tried to stay with him knowing that we are going to need him, so we put him right back in. And he did a fine job of taking care of the football. We really had good spacing early. Thomas [Rawls] hit everything. Every run he had, he had spacing, and then it didn't seem like it was there. I'll have to look at the film, but he ran hard and played tough."

(on second week of turning a late half turnover into a touchdown) "I love that. We got the ball away from them, and we answered. We've been doing a really nice job in answering the turnovers and making things happen. That's such a great opportunity in the game to capture the momentum of the turnover. The turnover is great, but if you do something with it, then you just compound the issue for the other side."

(on if it's surprising to him to see Russell Wilson doing this consistently) "Well he looks like he doesn't practice. We're practicing him like this, and it's coming through, and we're all together. I think 'Bev' [offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell] is doing a marvelous job of calling it and working it out to make sure that the plan fits to where we are having success and continue to find those ways and installation of the gameplan. And that one-two punch of him and Tom [Cable], they're just getting it done for the players, and the players are coming through magnificently."

(on how tough it is for RB Thomas Rawls) "I just talked to him for a second. He's such a stud kid that he's trying to fire me up. It's going to be tough, but he's had a great season and great contribution to this football team. We look forward to getting him back. This is the type of thing, he'll be OK. It's just going to take some time. But I'm sure it's tearing him up inside because he would love to continue with his teammates.

(on injury update) "Both [Marcus] Burley and [DeShawn] Shead turned their ankles a little bit. Mike [Bennett] jammed his toe one time. It's something that's been with him for some time and he went back in the game. Shead got back in the game as well so those are both good signs, and we'll see what happens."

(on how SS Kelcie McCray held up playing) "He fit in fine for us. That was really the first chance he had to get tested. For the most part he looked like he was on his stuff. He had a couple good tackles"

(on connection between QB Russell Wilson and WR Doug Baldwin) "It's the best that we've seen for both guys. They seem to be in sync in a really great way. The opportunities are there, and they're taking advantage of stuff and making the most of it. It's exciting to see and really fun to see these guys."

(on Russell Wilson adjusting to all the player injuries) "I think it's really part of Russell's make-up. He's going to the next issue. We all believe in that and we try to practice that. He's really good at that. He's not going to dwell on what happened. He's going to get to the very next thing he's faced with, and he stayed right on course. He's had impeccable weeks of preparation for five or six weeks. And he gets better in practice every day. He just carries it into the game. There is no reason for us to focus on the guys we lost. We understand, and we love those guys, but that's not where the focus goes. It goes to the next thing that's in hand, and Russell has been a really good example of that."

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(on if there are conversations between him, Russell Wilson and OC Darrell Bevell during the week for game day) "Not anything that's unusual. We have a really good conversation that goes on throughout the week and we're really on the same page. And I think our ability to communicate on a high level is seen and we can adapt and make adjustments as we're going. Darrell and [quarterbacks coach] Carl Smith's relationship with Russell is great, and they all believe in one another and trust one another, so everything really works at a high level. That's what you're seeing."

(on the team's third-down conversions today) "It's huge. I think we were 8-for-12, or something like that. We had to give one up on the last play. The guys were all fighting because we are so tuned in to executing. I thought third down was a great play for us today. Taking advantage and having the appropriate stuff called to fit the situation was really well done, and 'Bev' [Darrell Bevell] and Russell [Wilson] executed the plan really well."

QB Russell Wilson

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(on his reaction to the win) "To come out here on the road in a tough environment and win feels great. In the first half, we missed some big plays. But in the second half, I felt like we were lights out. The offensive line was unbelievable. They opened holes and protected me well. That's as good as it gets. It's a lot of fun right now."

(on the offense's recent improvement) "First of all, I am getting a lot of time to throw. [Offensive coordinator Darrell] Bevell and I are really in tune. The receivers are working really hard and everything is falling into place."

(on their third-down success) "It is so important to make third-down conversions. It keeps the drive alive."

(on his performance in the last four games, with 16 TDs and 0 INTs, and whether he's surprised about his success) "Honestly, I am not surprised. I don't think about things after they've happened. I just look forward to next week. All of our receivers are playing well and studying hard. The attention to detail and their work ethic have made it a lot of fun."

(on whether the team's on a mission after last year's Super Bowl ending) "We don't really think about that. We don't really have time to look back. We just get ready to go next week. All we have is now and what's in front of us."

(on the team's chemistry this season) "I try not to compare one team with the other. But I'm sure you can feel it, and you can probably see it the way we've been playing. I don't know if it can be much better. One thing that really gives us a lift is seeing all the No. 12s in the stands. That was really special for us and gives us quite a lift."

WR Doug Baldwin

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(on the team's performance in the win) "We made plays when it counted today, even after we lost [running back] Thomas [Rawls]. Our philosophy is 'Next Man Up, and that's been successful for us."

(on this six catches for 83 yards and three touchdowns) "I was just blessed with opportunities and targets today, and I took advantage of them. The big thing is that [quarterback] Russell [Wilson] is playing unbelievably. Sometimes we just get into a rhythm. A lot goes into it. We can see the nuances and subtleties together, and it makes for some good connections."

(on the wide receivers) "We feel that we have a really good group of wide receivers here, and we keep getting better. We just have to be consistent and show everyone how good we can be."

(on the team's offensive improvement) "It's really a collective effort. The offensive line is really doing an excellent job, and we've been making the best of our chances. We still have room for improvement and we can."

(on the play of Russell Wilson) "Everything he is doing is being done at a very high level right now. He's always done things magnificently outside the pocket. Now he's doing well inside the pocket as well. Russell is playing outstanding. He will tell you he's been ignoring the noise but as humans, we all know it out there. He sure has responded well."

(on the team's four-game winning streak) "Everything is going in the right direction. With our offense, it was never about play calling, it was always about execution. We are very efficient on offense right now. If we can keep it up, we will continue to be successful."

RB DuJuan Harris

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(on his fumble in today's game) "I just didn't have it tight after the hand off. I tried to cut up, and I hit the lineman, but then I got it straightened out. It's bad, but sometimes you need that to run even harder. I made a lot of mistakes today, but I have to tighten up."

(on getting a lot of carries) "I'm getting my legs back under me. I was able to get a better feel for the game and I'll be better next week."

(on playing after RB Thomas Rawls' injury) "We all have to be prepared. It's part of the game. Injuries are a part of football. The next guy has to come up and not skip a beat. I have to do better for the team and do my part. Everybody played great today. I've got to straighten out my missed assignments."

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DE Cliff Avril

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(on comparing this season to last season) "I think every year is different, but we're having fun. We're back to enjoying ourselves and seeing guys make plays. We're playing disciplined ball and it's showing on the field."

(on shutting down the run) "We pride ourselves up front, on the front seven, to try to stop the run. That's our big thing – making them one dimensional. We've been fortunate to do that the last couple weeks and we just need to keep chopping away."

(on the offensive performance) "It's awesome to see them doing those things. [Seahawks QB] Russell [Wilson] is playing incredible right now. Whenever they're scoring and the time of possession is on our side, I think it's great for the defense because we get to stay fresh."

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LB K.J. Wright

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(on the effect of shutting down a team's run game) "When they know they can't run the ball, we know they're going to pass the ball, we just do a good job. We know if we don't stop the run, then they can set up the play-action game and it gets real stressful on our side of the ball. So we know we have to stop them first and make them one-dimensional."

(on the sideline atmosphere) "It was a little funny. They had a lot of players out. It was just one of those games where we had to find our juice, and it was just a little harder to find than usual."

(on having momentum through most of the game) "We know we're a good football team coming in and facing a struggling team. We just wanted to come in here and play our ball. We know we can dominate teams, each and every Sunday, but we still have to come prepared. You can't come cocky, because on any given Sunday, you can lose."

(on playing an injury-plagued Ravens team) "I was out there looking for [Ravens OLB Terrell] Suggs, [Ravens WR] Steve Smith [Sr.], [Ravens RB Justin] Forsett, and those guys weren't out there. That's real unfortunate for them, and you don't want to see guys get hurt. When you face teams with injuries like that, you just have to go on and play."

(on the offense's success) "I love it so much. Those guys look really good. Russell [Wilson] is just letting that thing go. He looks so much more confident. No one can cover [WR] Doug [Baldwin]. The offensive line is protecting really good. It gives the defense a break. We're out there just chilling, cheering those guys on, and it's fun."

WR Tyler Lockett

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(on the offense playing well) "It's all about preparation. We need to prepare like it's going to be our last game. We need to take advantage of every opportunity that we have. At practice, Coach [Pete Carroll] does a great job of getting our legs right, which allows us to be able to fly around like we did."

(on the play of the offensive line) "We trust that the linemen will do their job, and they've done an outstanding job. Not many people have given them credit. I don't know when the last time Russell [Wilson] has been sacked. It shows that he trusts his linemen. The receivers can't be successful unless the line blocks. They've done an outstanding job, which allows Russell to be at his very best, and allowing [the receivers] to be at our very best."

(on his first touchdown of the game) "I just ran to the spot where 'Bev' [offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell] wanted me to be. Luckily, my guy fell off of me. I don't know what he ended up doing. Luckily, Russell was able to stay in the pocket, and he found me. I had to make sure I caught it and secured it. We have a great quarterback who is able to keep plays alive and you just always have to be ready."

(on his second touchdown of the game) "The second route was just a go route. 'Bev' [offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell] called a great play and we had to go out and execute it. I was able to run down my defender, get past him, and Russell laid out a beautiful ball, where I was able to catch it and go to the end zone."

CB Richard Sherman

(on a playoff run, the possibility of being on the road, and the difference between this team and other years) "We are more veteran. We're definitely more veteran. We've been in big games. These are the same guys who have been to the Super Bowl. We understand what we can do regardless of where we are. If we had to play on the moon, we would go there and play. We don't mind traveling and getting it done."

(on the possibility of winning out) "We just take one day at a time. We don't worry about any of the rest of it, honestly. We're focused on the next week, and the next week is Cleveland [Browns]. We'll focus on that opponent, and after that, we'll move on to whoever is next after that."

(on his big play) "I'm doing the same as every year just doing my job."

(on the defense) "We feel good about it. Obviously, everything doesn't happen initially as you would like it. And we just keep at it. Keep on maintaining, pushing, chopping wood, and we understand that it will eventually come through for us."

FS Earl Thomas

(on the defense) "It's a great win. I'm excited to watch the film and see what we can correct. It was just a great win overall.'

(on a playoff run) "I feel good. We are who we are. That's all we can be."

(on his play) "I helped the team. I think I did my job."

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T Russell Okung

(on the difference from the start of the year until now) "I knew if we just stayed steady and started to put consecutive drives together, we would gel. And the young guys are starting to understand that. Hats off to them – Patrick Lewis, Justin Britt, Garry Gilliam. They're doing a really good job up front."

(on Russell Wilson's play) "He's really consistent. Obviously, he's very special. He takes really good care of the ball, and, if you give him some time, he's going to make really good throws and some really good decisions. And today was a by-product of that."

(on the offensive line) "I've always believed in our group. I knew if they just gave us enough time, that we would be able to gel. Guys understand their assignments better, and we were able to do that today."

(on his leadership) "I just want to serve the guys however I can do that."

(on being surprised with how well the offense has been playing) "I'm not surprised. I knew if we just stayed consistent and kept believing and trusting one another and working hard, it would come out to this."

DE Michael Bennett

(on the defense not giving up touchdowns) "We're an average defense just trying to be good. Now, you want to play good when you come in to the Ravens because this is the home of defense. You know, here and the Pittsburgh Steelers have been two of the best defenses in the NFL. Growing up, loving Ray Lewis. Growing up watching [Terrell] Suggs, Haloti Ngata, and all those guys, even though they've disbanded. So, when you come here, you want to play great defense."

(on the injury to Thomas Rawls) "It's always a bummer when anybody gets hurt. A lot of times when guys get hurt, it's hard to bounce back, but it's good that he's got great support with the team here. And we'll make sure he comes back right."

(on the defense's ability to stop the run) "I think we've been playing the same way we've always been playing. We haven't given up many rushing yards this season. Teams are having a hard time getting anything going. They're trying to find different ways to get things going against us. But the way [Brandon] Mebane and [Ahtyba] Rubin are playing, light's out, Pro Bowl-caliber seasons, and everyone else is just coming along."

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